Useful information for your stay
Are you looking for more details for your stay, parking options or curious about things to do in the area?
Are you looking for more details for your stay, parking options or curious about things to do in the area?
Do you have a question about your stay at Amrâth Apart-Hotel Schiphol Badhoevedorp? In our FAQ, you'll quickly find answers to the most frequently asked questions, so you’ll be well-prepared for your stay!
Would you like to know where you can park during your stay? Here you can find all the details about rates, availability, directions, and alternative parking options in the area.
Visit Keukenhof and admire the colorful flower gardens. A little closer to the city, you’ll find the Amsterdam Forest, home to a beautiful blossom park that’s also in full bloom right now.
Check out all the activities in the area here!